Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

The New Agent of Change from SMA Negeri 1 Bukit Kemuning

Written by Syofian Hadi

“You are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right
forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah ….”
(Q.S. Ali ‘Imraan : 110)

Assalamu’alaikum warohmatulloh wa barokatuh..
Alhamdulillah, on behalf of Islamic Students Alumni Forum of State Senior High School 1 Bukit Kemuning, North Lampung (FARIS –Forum Alumni Rohis– SMA Negeri 1 Bukit Kemuning), we would like to congratulate on Alumni of SMA Negeri 1 Bukit Kemuning 2010 –the rising generation– who have successfully passed the Entrance Test to the State University. And those great names are:

Bogor Institute of Agriculture
Dede Haryanto : Faculty of Veterinary
School of Public Accountancy
Meidian Sulistio : Custom Duties and Excise Tax
Sriwijaya University
Mey Melisa : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Chemistry
Yuli Ravita : Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Mathematics
University of Lampung
Nidia Oktarisa : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bahasa Indonesia
Imas Setiana Esti Galih : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Physics
Yuda Fransetya : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Chemistry
Noviana Laksmi : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Mathematics
Jefriansyah : Faculty of Law
Janjan Alkombet : Faculty of Law
Lutfi Yulian Saputra : Faculty of Law
Taufik Mahfut : Faculty of Agriculture, Agro-eco-technology
Aulia Dwi Safitri : Faculty of Agriculture, Agro-eco-technology
Yulia Purbasari : Faculty of Social and Political Science, Public Administration
State Islamic Studies Institute of Raden Intan Lampung
Ibnu Anwardani : Faculty of Tarbiyah, Mathematics
Nurfitriana : Faculty of Tarbiyah, Mathematics
Susilowati : Faculty of Tarbiyah, Mathematics
Handayani : Faculty of Tarbiyah, Physics
To the other Alumni struggling in private universities; you are great too, guys!! Being agent of challenge for the nation mustn’t be in the state universities. Alloh challenges you to fight on the different place. We must be grateful.
Finally, welcome to the next challenging world, do your best, make all the people around you ‘ternganga-nganga’ again with your achievements, be inspiring person. It’s not easy but it’s not too hard, the key is keep istiqomah to run on Allah’s way. Keep in touch, Good Luck. Allohuakbar!!
(PS: We do apologize for mistyping of the names and majors above and do apologize to those, whose names haven’t been typed here, therefore, please help us to update the data and information, via e-mail. Thank you. )

2 komentar:

  1. congrats all my sist n bro
    wah..wah..banyak juga ya ^_^
    yang d serang ga ada ya?

  2. di serang kayaknya belum ada mbak.. hehehe..


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