Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

Tolong, Maaf, Terima Kasih (Amazing TMT)

Membiasakan mengucapkan kata "tolong", "maaf", dan "terima kasih" ini ternyata tidak hanya membuat komunikan kita merasa dihargai tetapi juga melatih pembentukan karakter kita agar mampu bersimpati/empati serta merupakan bentuk syukur kepada Allah karena kita telah ditempatkan di tengah-tengah mereka yang memiliki kepedulian. :')
Tolong ingatkan jika saya sudah terlalu jauh dalam kelalaian dan kejahiliyahan..

Maafkan atas segala kesalahan dan kekhilafan..
Terima kasih karena telah banyak menolong dan memaafkan.. :')
- Syofian Hadi -

Senin, 10 Februari 2014

Keep On A Good Habit

Restarting a good habit we've broken and left is not always easy.
But when we stop, a bad habit will replace.
- Syofian Hadi -

Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

Making Decision

In our perfection as creatures,
we still have many major weaknesses;
one of them is the ability to analyze a set of options.
We are not able to see if something is good or bad in the future. 
A friend said, "Just be sure to make a decision, whatever, 
then we all can learn." 
I see, then give all up to Allah, the All Hearing and All Knowing. :')
- Syofian Hadi -

Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

Enormous Energy in A Diversity

Due to the diversity of character and environment, 
we certainly have some differences in will,
point of view and action.
However, mutual respect and trust,
empathetic communication,
and praying for each other will be the enormous energy 
to improve ourselves
and to bind our hearts and thoughts as well.
- Syofian Hadi -