Kamis, 16 Mei 2019

Mr. Kalend's Words

Bahasa Inggris itu penting.
Bahasa hati juga sangat penting.
Apa itu bahasa hati?
Bijaksana, rendah hati, dan pemberani.
- Mr. Muhammad Kalend Osen -
Gambar mungkin berisi: 1 orang

Can stop the rain?

Gambar mungkin berisi: sepeda Motor
Syofian Hadi, 28-01-2019

Ramadhan, Wish You Were Always Near

The first 10 days of this holy month are leaving.
But many wishes for this and that are not even finished,
although this obedience is insufficient,
as the worship is up and down,
even busy in the solemnity of judging others.

Laytaka dauman qarib..
How I wish you were always near. :'(

*Syofian Hadi, 14-05-2019

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