Minggu, 26 April 2009


Written by Mr. Syofian Hadi

Alhamdulillah, my Senior High School students have maximally done their best in National Final Examination. Tomorrow is the turn for my Junior High School students to struggle for their ideals. Because of my love to you, I give you a Recipe of Examination. Do this procedure well.

•Prepare all the materials
•Pour the flour of spirit in a bowl of heart
•Blend with a chocolate of knowledge and cheese of memorizing
•Then, add the sugar of Tawakal
•Do not forget to add the powder of enough rest
•Mix them with Istiqomah
•Cook the mixture with Tahajud
•Put optimism on it to make it more tasteful
•Pour into a plate of smile
•Now, it is ready to serve to your parents
(Inspirited from emq motivation)

You must do it. Because I am lazy to pray for u but I will always "curse" you so that you will get your graduation. (Hahaha.. Just kidding). I quoted an advise from Aa Gym for you, “Alloh sometimes gives not by granting our wish because only Alloh who knows the disadvantage (mudhorot) if our wish is granted”.
I love you all.

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