Actually it was a sudden plan for watching this movie. We hadn’t known whether or not this movie is good. So, the first reason is our embitterment to this movie, while my own reason is that I must watch this movie before I go to Jakarta to follow a teacher training for a week, hehehe.. Peace friends!

We arrived at the cinema at 2 p.m. and all the tickets had been sold out. Then we could watch KING at 5 p.m. We were not sure whether we could be patient to spend three hours there only for waiting while Anwar was fasting and we worried about our Maghrib, we would prayed at 6.30. To spend the time, we went around the square. One and half hours-window shopping made us tired, then we came back to the cinema, sitting there taking a rest, chatting away and having joke. Until a security guard came to admonish us, we realized that we had done an exaggerated action, hahaha, “Sorry, Sir!”
We still had fifty minutes more, and then we went to Musholla to take Ashar pray. On the way when we came back to the cinema, suddenly we found our old friend, Tamtam. She was our university classmate, but at the third semester she dropped out. We and all our friends miss her so much since we lost contact. Neither much information about her we got. After that, Anwar bought two bottles of drink for fasting break, we was shocked so much by their price. Stop, I have no word.
Finally we were invited to enter the cinema. In fact, we are still cute, because most of the movie gores at that time were elementary school students. They, we are! Hahaha..!!
At the first five minutes, I was still confused with this movie, it showed a badminton playing more and more. I asked my self “What does this movie tell about? Liem Swie King?”, but it didn’t take a long time; soon I could flow with the movie.
The film tells the story of a poor village boy named Guntur who grows up in central Java, idolizing Liem Swie King and dreaming of becoming a badminton star.
Here's a review of King from The Jakarta Post:
`King' romanticizes national passion

The story, written by actor Ari Sihasale making his directorial debut, serves as a nice reminder to the nation's almost former glory in the racquet sport, especially since the film has arrived at a time when Indonesia's badminton scene has been plagued by poorer performances recently. Despite facing tough rivalry against a certain robot-themed Hollywood blockbuster, a low-brow Indonesian horror flick and a strong (not surprisingly) kids pic, King will likely draw in some decent crowds in its opening week.
What remains to be seen is whether children, the film's target market, will actually turn out in droves to watch this film. Considering the film's modest, if not slow, pace in the first half, bar a few heart-tugging moments in the first few minutes, children may be squirming in their seats trying to understand this film.
However, both young and old alike will be mesmerized by the idyllic, postcard-like scenes shot beautifully by the film's director of photography, Yudi Datau. The film captures the majestic grandeur of the mountains, hills and green fields of stunning Central Java so successfully it overshadows some of the early bumps in the plot.
The telltale signs were evident from the start, with overreliance on a narrator who did not enhance nor provide additional information to the story itself. A formulaic yet workable take on the "zero to hero" theme, the film depicts the struggle of a poor village boy Guntur (played by newcomer Rangga Raditya) trying to fulfill his father's (comedy troupe Srimulat member Mamiek Prakoso) rigorous physical training program for him to become a badminton champ. His longtime idol is the legendary Indonesian badminton player Liem Swie King, from which the film takes its title.
Along with the typical ingredients of a few sidekicks (played by newcomers Lucky Martin & Valeria Thomas), the story bounces off one coincidence after another. There is no explanation offered initially as to why Guntur wants to be a badminton champion, and it is not until the middle of the film we learn the reasons behind his father's harsh training program. Until that point, it is hard to empathize with the father and he is left seeming one-dimensional
Yet, that does not stop Mamiek Prakoso form delivering a compelling performance, albeit a slightly subtle one. Mamiek delivers what most actors fail to do, which is subtlety without being passive and unconvincing but not overreacting at the same time.
Ten years ago, in a similar role as the single parent of an extraordinary child, Toni Collette performed magnificently and received quiet appreciation for her performance in The Sixth Sense.
Mamiek's best scenes are actually often those when he does not speak, such as his silent but powerful presence in the final scene of King that brings everything to a climax.
Ari Sihasale has done well in his directorial debut here, but perhaps his decision to not move away from children's films was not such a good idea. Known as the man behind Alenia Pictures, which has produced Denias Senandung di Atas Awan (Denias: Hum Above the Clouds) and Liburan Seru (Fun Holiday), the similarity between the plot of Denias and King is too strikingly similar to be ignored.
If Denias must find education in order to have a future, then Guntur in King aims to break free from his father and play professional badminton for a living. Both incorporate point-and-shoot nature scenes and are from the outset clearly feel-good films.
Undeniably, it is great to see Indonesia's badminton greats making a cameo appearance, including the legendary Lim Swie King. Another great aspect of this film is that the badminton matches look real, not staged, and flow naturally via effective editing and fantastic musical scoring.
For some, that ultimate *feel-good' vibe will undeniably come from emotional scenes where people gather in front of televisions and cheer Indonesia while they win the world championships.
King will definitely go down as one of Indonesia's better sporting films, without a doubt. King, with English subtitles, is playing in select theatres nationwide.
To me, KING is the best movie. It’s very different with the other Indonesian movies that I’ve ever watched. I’m speechless to describe how amazing this movie is. Let the expert movie analyzers comment about this movie. Many scenes made me hard to restrain my weeping and screaming many times. KING had paid our ‘waiting for three hours’, made us forget about ‘security guard’s admonish’, ‘compulsion expensive drinks’, ‘increased ticket price’ and so on. Habi satisfyingly said “This is the real movie!” wow! From ten stars to appreciate KING, we give it nine!
BalasHapusI saw that movie and I couldn't follow the plot even though there were subtitles =(
BalasHapusmaybe u should watch it twice.. :-)