By Syofian Hadi
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.
Subhanalloh walhamdulillah.. I want to say congratulation for all my beloved students who successfully passed the SNMPTN 2009. Do your best to pay the meaning of this success. Straighten your goal, make your akhirat project better for everyday (do this together with me, I still, GO!)
And for my students, who haven't got this chance, never be sad. You are not failed.
We have our plan, and so does Alloh SWT, and it is true that plan happened is what has become Alloh's plan. Therefore, if you have strengthened your ikhtiar, give it up to Alloh, whatever the result is the best.
But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not. (Al-Baqarah:216)
To me, you are still the winners who have won in managing all condition you got yesterday positively and wisely. Still there are many ways!
Congratulation to my little sister Deswinda, my brother Akhi Heri Firmansyah, FARIS brotherhood Yosse and Danang. Then, Ryan Falamy, Lana Ariando, Gandha, Noryken, Ike, Salsabila, Chichie, Tatang, and many more.
Speciall for Leony, You've proved yourself as a wonder woman who believes God's secret, better than we know. Go and keep fighting!!!
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