Minggu, 03 Agustus 2014

Happy Ied Fitr, Dad!

You’ve been there for exactly three months now. It still hurts to remember when you left. Ied Fitr comes. It’s so strange to me. I can’t greet you, hold and kiss your hands, ask your forgiveness and prayer for me. In my deep longing for everything about you, I can only cry and pray, I beg Allah to give you the most beautiful place, forgive your sins and accept your good deeds. I wish Allah gather us all in Jannah.
Pa, you know that I’m so grateful for being blessed with the best father Allah’s given to me, don’t you? :’)
Allahummafirlahu warhamhu wa'afihi wa'fu'anhu..
I love and miss you so bad, pa. Happy Ied Fitr.

1 Syawal 1435 H / 28 July 2014

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